Béa 動畫推手

職業譯者與熱愛動畫的瘋狂人物組成,夢想世界不因語言而受阻、夢想台灣以及亞洲多地都能作出媲美迪士尼精美的動畫、夢想在亞洲大街小巷都能看到美感設計。Béa動畫推手 將各國動畫傳遞給動畫市場相對落後的亞洲地區。Béa動畫推手相信,唯有一步步將好動畫帶給大家,社會對藝術表達的風氣才能漸漸改善! 您的喜愛與留言都是對創作者的一大支持,若有企業需求歡迎聯絡Béa團隊 :


若您想在此平台讓更多人看到您的動畫作品,歡迎與我聯絡: beabeavideo@gmail.com
The #1 Hub For Animation in Asia!
We have permission from the copyright holder.
We are a group of translators and animation lovers who are dedicated to sharing animated shorts to an Asian audience. We have noticed that it is difficult for many western produced videos to attract a substantial Asian language speaking audience because videos are not listed and translated in Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and Korean. If your goal is to gain recognition by reaching as many viewers as possible, please contact us: beabeavideo@gmail.com
Béa Video