
city: berlin/ germany
i consider myself a sane open-minded european. i like the european way of life, i love going out to meet new people and to drink a cold beer with friends talking about god and the world. i also love good music and often go to concerts. i'm a great admirer of pink floyd and own all albums (see my music log, if you are interested). i'm also a sport enthusiast and often go to see my local hockey team kicking asses. i also do a lot of sports myself, i ski and have started kite surfing 3 years ago. i'm open minded i like to go out in shorts in the summer and flirt with girls. i'm young and i want to have fun, yet i'm polite and respect wishes of other people. i'm a democrat and i always speak out against things i don't like and want to change.

these are the reasons why i oppose islam as it is presented by the majority of muslims. islam is the direct opposite of what i cherish. islam is nothing but the 3rd Reich reloaded. the similarites are highly visible. oppose islam...and you will be able to live the life you want to live. islam -and any other religion- can only be tolerated if it withdraws to where it belongs (ones mind) and does not dictate non-believers how to live.

that doesn't mean i'm unaware of the errors of our society. i'm also supporting environmantal movements and fight for a drug free world. these errors can be fought with the means of democracy. we do not need islam as cure for all these errors. the remedy lies within ourselves...the western way of life.

ps: in case someone wonders why i don't delete any hate postings on my channel...i can't ask my fellow earth citizens to do me a greater favour...
@barnowlprod n'a pas encore créé de playlist