Azra Hannum

About Azra

Azra Hannum is a Mumpreneur, writer, holistic self improvement coach and lover of life.

Previous Work Experience

Previous work experiences include providing services for and training in alternative therapies, yoga and meditation, and providing tutoring in a variety of academic subjects. More recently, I set up a multilingual translation company providing translation services in over 144 different languages. This involved managing databases of translators and clients based worldwide. Although I was highly successful in my endeavours and I loved what I did, I felt frustrated and stressed out because I was spending a lot of time working leaving me with little quality time to spend with my family and the pursuit of my interests.

Personal Interests

I am a self development enthusiast. I regularly practice yoga and meditation. I love to learn since I have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge – so I am an avid reader, often attend events and seminars which are either work or personal interests related in order to keep up with current trends. I also have a keen interest in writing children’s stories.

I live in West Yorkshire in the UK amidst my immense wealth -my two children (a daughter (Sherrie) and a son (Kamran) ) and two cats.

My Philosophy On Life

“Let us strive to live our lives such that when the time comes for us to die, even the undertaker is sorry.” ~ Mark Twain

I don’t know how long I will have with the people in my life, therefore I actively seek ways to recognise and show appreciation of the value of those around me.

What Success Means To Me

When I stand before my maker at the end of my life, I would wish not to have a shred of talent left, and could proudly declare, ‘I used all of what you gave me’.

I wish you much success in your self development journey and I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

To the achievement of our goals,

Azra Hannum
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