We create award winning shorts and documentaries since 2005.
Wir produzieren preisgekrönte Kurzfilme und Dokumentationen seit 2005.
FESTIVAL CHANNEL: http://vimeo.com/channels/apeiron
SCREENPLAY CONTEST: http://j.mp/script4kino
FAN PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/APEIRON.FILMS
FILMOGRAPHY http://j.mp/D_Lojek

APEIRON FILMS is based in Berlin but produces and screens movies all over Europe. Our taste, style and range of genres flicker. Simplicity, romance, magic, ordinary life or miniatures come into focus, but we also deal with drama, art, comedy, and the love-death dichotomy of homo ludens.
Our mission to entertain or inspire audiences and to activate filmmakers takes us to many places. Clarity, serenity and self irony manifest in our productions.

Director & Producer Dave was born in East-Berlin in 1975. He received his MA in English / American and Cultural Studies from Humboldt-University Berlin.
As independent autodidactic filmmaker, member of the BDFA association and cinema critic he travels to festivals. Dave organizes annual film workshops called KinoKabarets with the initiative KinoBerlino and constantly augments a network of film people.
His method of uplifting and intense co-creation inspires several independent film groups. Dave hosts monthly open short film nights in Berlin's oldest cinema Moviemento and invites new talents to join the non-competitive show.

Dave works as president of the Video- and Film Association Berlin / Brandenburg, which is member of the BDFA (Bundesverband Deutscher Film-Autoren) – Association of German Film Authors. Dave’s multimedia works have been published in numerous journals, anthologies, on DVDs and online. His productions are broadcast daily, won 40 awards, and were selected for over 300 film festivals.