King Khaliq

Islam is the fastest growing religion with over 1.6 billion followers
By now you probably heard about Islam through the media, conversations or coworker, or perhaps you stumbled upon it while browsing through the web. Although Islam is the second most followed religion in the world after Christianity, it is also one of the most misunderstood.
It can be overwhelming to discern the differences between what Islam truly teaches from the misinformation and misconceptions that are widespread. I created this Channel for all, who would like to know what Islam is really about from an authentic source Inshallah.
I hope you will find value in information through this Channel
All of the verses from the Holy Quran and the narrations from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are explain well in your language
in last Finally, I pray to Allah that Allah will make my this effort successful and bless it and help me and make this work a source of salvation for me and make it easy for me to follow Islam.