Aiki Channel
Young Steven Seagal effective Aikido
8 anni fa
Top Steven Seagal Aikido demo in Japan (1993)
8 anni fa
Steven Seagal ospite di Mike Bongiorno.Telemike 1992 (ita-eng)
8 anni fa
Morihei Ueshiba and the birth of Aikido.
8 anni fa
Gigoro Kano at Ueshiba's 1935 demonstration- 'That's my ideal budo!'
8 anni fa
Actual (...and fat) Steven Seagal Aikido demonstration (Moscow 2015).
8 anni fa
Strong and powerful Aikido techniques.
8 anni fa
Steven Seagal powerful Aikido. The beginning.
8 anni fa
Shaolin Monks. Masters of the deadly art of Kung Fu.
8 anni fa
Ninja. The Invisible warriors of the night.
8 anni fa
Aikido techniques in MMA.
8 anni fa
Very, very beautiful Aikido presentation.
8 anni fa
Morihei Ueshiba talking about Aikido with Terry Dobson
8 anni fa
Morihei Ueshiba showing the basic movements of Jo and Ken in Aikido.
8 anni fa
Morihei Ueshiba presents his Aikido to the World.
8 anni fa
Morihei Ueshiba lasts public demonstrations.
8 anni fa
Aikido vs karate (Cédric Tisseyre)
8 anni fa
Use of the sword in Aikido (top performance)
8 anni fa
Aikido. Best 31 no kumi jo performance you have ever seen
8 anni fa
Aikido techniques- tanken dori (Michel Erb Sensei).
8 anni fa
Aikido techniques (ita)- kumi tachi variations (Francesco Corallini Sensei)
8 anni fa
Aikido techniques (ita)- Jo dori no riai (Paolo Nicola Corallini Shihan)
8 anni fa
Aikido vs Karate (Christian Tissier)
8 anni fa
Aikido techniques (ita)- katate dori (Francesco Corallini Sensei).
8 anni fa
Mortal Weapons of Samurai. National Geographic Documentary (eng).
8 anni fa
Unforgettable Morihiro Saito Shihan performance at All-Japan Aikido demonstration (1981)
8 anni fa
Top Aikido of Steven Seagal's movies
8 anni fa
The way of the Samurai. Documentary (eng).
8 anni fa
Storia e pratica del Kendo in Giappone. Documentario (ita).
8 anni fa
Real Aikido vs real attacks
8 anni fa