
I genuflected my heart before the Lord and I was in His Spirit.
Before me appeared the spirit of a man, whose soul was in hell.
And the Angel said to me:
- This is his confession...
"My faith was built on iron. I thought that the kingdom of God - is a mechanics.
I tried to squeeze the love of God into the procrustean bed of the church.
I had not His love, love of Christ.
Tell to the livings on the earth, that I did not knew the love of Christ.
I heard about it by the hearing of my ear, I tried to imitate it,
but I entered not into the love to stay in it forever.
Tell them, I did not knew Love."
The man wept bitterly. I asked:
- What is your name?...
He said:
- David... Wilkerson.
And the Angel said to me:
- Look at his death - his car was crashed.
In the same way his soul was crashed (destroyed).
He built on iron,
but not on the gold of love of God.
He does not dissolved in the nature of God - in love,
therefore he collided with the throne of God
and crashed.
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