A 4 Ashraf MM

A 4 Ashraf MM

1 follower
In this channel, Our main focus is to update you what is currently going on in Baitullah and Mosque Al-Nabavi and different Ziyarah places. We will give you a lot of information and news on both Grand Holy Mosques and Mecca Medina. Additionally, we will guide you to tackle the necessary apps specially generally being used in Saudi Arabia. Some V Logs on different Ziyarah Places from Saudia and other regions of the world will also be presented. We will also touch some international issues of Muslims and of Islamic world. As Corona and its vaccination is also a big issue of today, so as a medical professional I will keep you in touch with it too. For tourism of non religious places, we will establish another channel soon. Lastly again, main intention in this channel will be on Mosque Al-Harrm and Mosque Al-Nabavi. You will enjoy or entertain all these at one place.