
The IYA entertainment offerings keep on coming. I already shared a few DVD releases with you, but now it's time to tackle music. We had a ton of big names last week, so today's selection is a bit slimmer than usual. Here is one solid picks. (And if you want to see your own Artists music reviews featured on IYA Ent., submit them in the Party Weekly Group in the community!) Please share your opinion with our community, but make sure it is on topic and follows our Community Rules. We moderate comments and prohibit personal attacks, threats, spam, lewd images, or the promotion of your personal website. If you are already a member, or would like to receive email alerts as new comments are made, please ibij@hotmail.com or iyaentertainment@hotmail.com. Or connect with your Facebook account: . Thanks for all your support Ibrahim //// www.rockthatdirac.com