5 Minute Makeovers

5 Minute Makeovers

All dressed up for a night out but not sure if you got your lipstick or eye shadow right? Have no fear, get the best make up tips and tricks from Shabana and Amrita, the uber talented make-up artists from The Cloakroom. They make applying makeup easy and not daunting. Get the basics right and discover easy tricks and tips to apply the right amount of makeup in the easiest and best possible way.
The Cloakroom is a fun space, in which, we invite you to explore the wild and vibrant world of makeup! Each individual is beautiful, and face paint only enhances ones natural beauty. In this spirit, we offer opportunities to learn makeup, hair and 'self-beautifying' techniques. Drop in, bring your friends, and discover or re-discover just how good the right shade of red can make you feel!

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