Serotonine is the frenchcore label of W.A.R . It’ starts in 2007 on myspace with The first EP DCYBL’s project produced by MSD ( world Alchemist Records ). Influenced by Artists as Radium, Progamers, Sickest Squad, Speedfreaks, Micropoint…. It apears as a new reference of frenchcore’s style Music. His first public apparition was in Caves de Cornillons ( Liege BELGIUM ) with Producer & speedfreaks for promote Serotonine label @t Darkjadore Party in DECEMBER 2007. Supported by many artists as Scratch DEAL’A aka The mastery, Miss Mackie, Suburbass, Mat weasel Buster, Radium , MSD, K-plan, Psyko, Maissouille, Tweety lanny and more…Serotonine is present in lots of countries in West europe for play , promote the label and search new artists of Frenchcore School . After 3 volumes released, The tracks as SEROTONINE, DYNAMICS, BATTLE OF CENTURY , UMBRELLA were played by great frenchcore artists and they contribute Serotonine’s succes in Europe parties as X-MASSACRE, DARKJADORE, DRUMATIK, INDUSTRIES, … and used by VJ Reality in Internet Clips for youtube & dailymotion. Today, DCYBL is finshing the 4th volume and prepare a Serotonine International Tour for 2010.
Sérotonine est le label FRENCHCORE de W.A.R. il commence en 2007 avec le premier single de DJ DCYBL chez World Alchemist Records. Influencés par de nombreux talents comme RADIUM, Progamers, SICKEST SQUAD, SPEEDFREAKS, MICROPOINT... Il apparait alors comme une nouvelle figure de la scène FRENCHCORE et se fait connaitre en BELGIQUE notamment, aux caves de cornillons accompagné de SPEEDFREAKS, RADIUM, PRODUCER Pour la sortie du volume 2 de sérotonine. Aujourd'hui il est supporté par des artistes émergents et confirmés comme Scratch DEAL’A aka The mastery, Miss Mackie, Suburbass, Mat weasel Buster, Radium , MSD, K-plan, Psyko, Maissouille, Tweety lanny. Apres 3 volumes, les chansons " DYNAMICS","SEROTONINE","BATTLE OF CENTURY" sont massivement jouées et trouvent leur place dans les sets de nombreux artistes
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