Sarah Chen - Last Time Holding Hands 最后一次携手 - 陈淑桦 1981

  • 11 years ago
A beautiful song from Sarah's 1981 album "又見春天"on Taiwan's Seamount label. So many great songs on this album. You can also find it on compilations, and at mp3s. Sarah was a child prodigy who started her recording career when only 7 years old. She retired from music in 1998 following the death of her mother, and has lived away from the public eye since then. She was born on May 14, but whether 1958 or 1959 is now questioned. All internet sources say 1958, but I was recently told that Sarah was born in the Year of the Pig, which makes 1959 her correct birth year. What we do know is that her month sign is Snake ( or Taurus ) and her year pillar is Earth. More importantly, we also know that her music has left an indelible mark on Chinese Music. Listening to Sarah is a very special experience. Bless you Sarah. :o)

English Translation:
Holding hands for the last time, walking along the river bank
Shoulders tremble and shake off the warm winter sun
Like a picture of you and me inside.
Sobbing next to the clear stream by the old jetty
Watching us walking hand in hand into a gorgeous afternoon
Exchanging a gentle silence
With you in this magnificent afternoon, please use your usual gentleness to gaze at me for a moment
To the end of the embankment
Please do not look into my eyes, I know it will bring torrential tears
About a time when once again we hold hands once again join hands
Holding hands for the last time, walking along the river bank

翻飛的蘆花古老的渡頭 緊挨著嗚咽的清流
看著我們攜手走向絢爛的午後 輕輕的交換沉默
*在這醉人的午後 請用你慣有的溫柔 輕輕的凝視我片刻
到了河堤的盡頭 請別看我的雙眸 我知道它會珠淚滂沱
好不好 我們約個時候 再一次攜手 再一次攜手

Zuìhòu yīcì xiéshǒu yánzhe hé dī zǒu
Dōng yáng nuǎn nuǎn de shùnzhe shuāng jiān chàn chàn de dǒu luò
Xiàng yī fú túhuà nǐ wǒ zài lǐtou
Fān fēi de lúhuā gǔlǎo de dùtóu jǐn āizhe wūyè de qīngliú
Kànzhe wǒmen xiéshǒu zǒuxiàng xuànlàn de wǔhòu
qīng qīng de jiāohuàn chénmò
*Zài zhè zuìrén de wǔhòu qǐng yòng nǐ guàn yǒu de wēnróu
qīng qīng de níngshì wǒ piànkè
Dàole hé dī de jìntóu qǐng bié kàn wǒ de shuāng móu wǒ zhīdào tā huì zhū lèi pāngtuó
Hǎobù hǎo wǒmen yuē gè shíhou
zài yīcì xiéshǒu zài yīcì xiéshǒu
Zuìhòu yīcì xiéshǒu yánzhe hé dī zǒu
