Israelis support recent air strikes, despite Syrian ire

  • 11 years ago
Rows of Israeli tanks stand ready at the border of the occupied Golan Heights.

Recent Israeli air strikes in neighbouring Syria have become a point of tension in the region, as Tel Aviv seeks to persuade Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that the military measures did not aim to weaken him.

Israel has repeatedly warned it will not let Assad's ally Hezbollah receive hi-tech weaponry, and said they had attacked Iranian-supplied missiles stored near the Syrian capital awaiting transfer to the Hezbollah guerrilla group in neighbouring Lebanon.

In Jerusalem, residents threw their support behind the air strikes.


"Israel should take any measure necessary to protect itself as any rational country or state would do."

At a press conference in Syria, opposition leaders condemned the Israeli raids and called on all foreign fighters to leave the country immediately.

Some in Israel are bracing f
