Russia concerned by growing threat of military intervention in Syria

  • 11 years ago
Syrian TV airs video of the aftermath of Israeli air strikes near Damascus on Sunday.

Israeli jets devastated Syrian targets in a heavy overnight air raid that Western and Israeli officials called a new strike on Iranian missiles bound for Lebanon's Hezbollah.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad condemned the strikes as a 'declaration of war' and threatened retaliation.

A senior Israeli lawmaker said the strikes were not aimed to weaken Assad but rather ensure that his ally, Hezbollah, does not receive hi-tech weapons.

Meanwhile, Russia expressed concern that the chances of foreign military intervention in Syria were growing following the air strikes.

Foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said the escalation of armed confrontation sharply increased the risk of creating new areas of tension and also destabilized the relative calm of the Israeli-Lebanese border.

Russia is a long-standing arms supplier to Damascus and has previously protected As