How does Coffee work Damian Alexander, MD discusses How does Coffee work

  • 11 years ago
In this video I will discuss
How does Coffee work
After you ingest coffee, 99% of caffeine is absorbed by
Your intestinal system in 15 to 45 minutes
From here, caffeine reaches your liver where it is metabolized
Most caffeine is turned into paraxanthine
Paraxanthine is very similar to adenosine
This similarity means it can fit into adenosine receptors - without stimulating those receptors
Paraxanthine thus blocks the effects of adenosine on brain receptors
The general effect of adenosine is to inhibit neural activity
And here lies the problem with caffeine use
Adenosine is a building block of ATP
ATP is broken down for energy production
And adenosine is thrown out of the neurons
Once outside the neurons, adenosine can stimulate the fatigue response
Stimulating the fatigue response allows neurons to rest and make more ATP
When you block the action of adenosine with paraxanthine
You disrupt the rest cycle of neurons
This leads to neurons being overworked and eventually crashing
This is why habitual coffee use inevitably leads to exhaustion
On top of this,
there is no adaptation to caffeine
It keeps working
Coffee contains other active chemicals besides caffeine
Among them are antioxidants
These antioxidants are hypothesized
to be the reason why
Some studies have found cardiovascular benefits associated with coffee use
Coffee also contains some compounds called Diterpenes
Diterpenes appear to increase risk of coronary heart disease
Diterpenes can be eliminated
through simple paper filtration
Always filter your coffee to protect yourself from these compounds
Other compounds in coffee are responsible for the release of stress hormones
Stress hormones are deleterious in high quantities or for extended periods of time
Remember when I told
