Israel strikes against Syria weapons

  • 11 years ago
Fighter jets like these were part of an Israeli air strike, Friday, on a missile shipment in Syria bound for Hezbollah in Lebanon, according to an Israeli official, Saturday.

Israel has long made it clear it could resort to force to ensure that Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, does not distribute weapons - especially chemical weapons - to his Hezbollah allies in Lebanon.

Hezbollah - whose fighters and weaponry are pictured here in 2010 - also allies itself with Israel's nemesis, Iran, and waged war with Israel in 2006.

The Israeli official who acknowledged the raid spoke on condition of anonymity.

Lebanese authorities reported intensive Israeli air force activity over their territory on Thursday and Friday.

Israelis also worry that if Assad is toppled, Islamist rebels could disrupt what has been mostly four decades of calm in the Golan Heights border area.

Israel remains technically at war with Syria, whose state of security has been deteriorating