"Stunning" Shen Yun Performing Arts in Nishinomiya, Japan

  • 11 years ago
The Kansai region of Japan pays special attention to traditional Japanese Art and Culture and people there have a refined sense of culture. Shen Yun Performing Arts brought a fresh experience of traditional Chinese culture and some in the audience express their shock, surprise and pleasure.

[Kazuo Yusunaga, Former High School Principal]:
I was moved, impressed, inspired… maybe it was also because I watched it for the first time, I was stunned.”

[Masahiko Katou, University Professor]:
“I was stunned."

The former Principal of the Ernst & Young High School says the show was brilliant and made it very easy to learn about and understand traditional Chinese culture.

[Kazuo Yusunaga, Former High School Principal]:
“Now that Chinese culture began in the Xia Dynasty, which is the understanding of Japanese study. I was very stunned by each performance today showing traditional Chinese culture."

Professor Katou was surprised to see China's real history unfold, such things are not in the text books.

[Masahiko Katou, University Professor]:
“The Chinese traditional culture has been in existence for a very long time, for example the opening dance, thats before the BC era. Such traditional culture is embodied in the dance and actually I was very stunned.”

Former Principal Yusunaga says Chinese people themselves should have a chance to see Shen Yun.

[Kazuo Yusunaga, Former High School Principal]:
“No matter what era, atmosphere, system, or environment, culture has to be protected and inherited, and has to be shown to all.”

Shen Yun is sure to see them in the audience when it returns next year.

NTD News, Nishinomiya, Japan

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