How Russia's volatile Dagestan may have influenced Tsarnaev

  • 11 years ago
To understand Tamerlan Tsarnaev, it might help to understand Dagestan, the volatile Russian region that is said to have deeply influenced him

When he returned here in 2012, family members who hadn't seen him in years, say they were surprised by his new interest in religion.

It fit with the shift that is underway here --- where veils and enveloping Islamic dress are increasingly replacing mini-skirts and where young men who join the insurgency are said to quote... "go into the forest," a rite of passage of sorts.

SOUNDBITE: Dagestan Resident Sveta saying (Russian)

"Suddenly everyone's started becoming Muslim - it means people have become smarter."

ZAID ABDULAGATOV is a religion expert at the city's institute of economic and social research.

SOUNDBITE: Zaid Abdulagatov, Religion Expert Dagestan Institute Of Social And Economic Research saying (Russian):

"I can't say that one of them (Islamic extremists) spoke with him (Tamerlan Tsarnaev), met w
