How to Use Social Networking Sites to Attract New Subscribers To Your List

  • 11 years ago
Adam Urbanski has coached over 30,000 business owners worldwide on effective and affordable business development strategies. His company, The Marketing Mentors, provides a variety of popular marketing training programs for service professionals ranging from short teleseminars, to high-impact workshops, to in-depth year-long coaching engagements.

QU: What are some of the most important things to remember when using the social networking sites for list building?

1. First, be clear what you want! (Results, real relationships – not numbers of followers)

For Adam, it is to expose himself to more prospects in more ways.

2. Second, break some rules! Be ready to stretch it, put yourself out there and standout. Promotions must be done the right way. They must be resources that people need, want and value.

3. Third, be WHO YOU ARE. Otherwise they come to know you as someone else!

4. Bonus tip one: stand out – PET

Polarise – have an opinion
Entertain – have fun
Teach – something you are giving them is helping them

Good marketing is good marketing whether in recession times or normal. If you don’t know how to make money period, then social networks will not help. Business is business and social media is but a tool.

5. Bonus tip two: don’t go solo! That’s the HARD way online.

QU: You've attracted thousands of new subscribers and tens of thousands of dollars in profits in a very short time using social networking sites. Can you share how did it?

1. First, connect with the right audience (Facebook + Twitter)

Short programs – teleseminar series – 4 guests only

Four days – Monday to Thursday – same time – free

Evergreen topic: How to use social networking sites

2. Second, give that audience what they want

3. Get that audience off social sites and into your own system.

4. Give first, sell second!

5. Create controversy and buzz

6. Bonus tip 3: move fast and create urgency (scarcity)

7. Create an event (create excitement). Lead with your best information. Give real value.

8. Don’t duplicate the content – plan with speakers first (easier when just four speakers)

9. Don’t feel you have to do it all yourself – expertise is one phone call or email away – and a bundled package generally has more
value than anything you could produce all on your own.

10. Traffic is already out there. No need to “create” it. Go where your target audience is already hanging out.

Bonus Tip: Make it unique. Try not to call it “XYZ Teleseminar series” (it has been overdone). Find a hook or a single topic.

QU: You make it all sound so easy, why don’t more people get it – and more importantly do it?

1. They don’t have a clear goal.

2. They don’t have a profitable business model.

Have the mindset that the end of anything is the start of something else. Have a clear customer path.

3. They are too busy doing things that don’t matter

4. They are afraid to put themselves “out there”

If someone says NO, remember you have not lost anything.

If someone says YES, you are ahead of the game.

And the key to all this is:

QU: How do you partner with the right people? How to get them to say YES?

1. Consider people who aren’t yet “big gurus”

2. Give more benefits than what you are asking for in terms of effort

3. Make it easy to say yes and to participate

4. Have a marketing plan that doesn’t rely on them marketing the program: Press releases, PPC, Facebook ads, article marketing, blog posts, affiliates of your own etc If you have great guests; don’t waste it! Get leverage from it.

5. Follow up, follow up, follow up!

QU: What would be the final tip for people who want to duplicate your results?

1. Get the right education and mentor.

2. Expect success… and…

3. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing poorly to start with.

Get going now! (production before perfection)

With Thanks To
Adam Urbanski
