Five-year-old Delhi rape victim held for 40 hours, police say

  • 11 years ago
Angry protests and calls for justice in India's capital New Delhi over the alleged rape of a 5-year-old girl by a male neighbour.

The assault, which has left the child in critical condition, has revived memories of the fatal gang rape of a medical student on a bus in the capital in December.

This man says he wants those committing such crimes to be hanged.

The protest took place as Indian police arrested a man on allegations of rape and torture in East Bihar state.

The child, whose parents work as labourers and live in a slum on the outskirts of Delhi, went missing from her home on April 15.

She was found bruised and semi-conscious in the suspect's house three days later.

At a news conference on Saturday, police said the child was locked up for at least 40 hours by the accused who believed she was dead.

They said she has been repeatedly raped and tortured by the suspect and deprived of food and water.

The 5-year-old is currently being tre