Nude Paintings in Art Shows

  • 11 years ago
CLICK HERE: Free 7 tip handout on the 7 most common amateur artist mistakes
CLICK HERE: DVDs, Classes By Master Artist Daniel Edmondson

Special Note On FREE Handout:

The free tips handout is focused on the 7 most common amateur artist mistakes and how you can avoid them. Many artists don't even know they're making these mistakes so make sure you get it and cure some of those amateurish painting mistakes you may have. There's even a painting of mine in the handout that's pretty embarrassing that I painted when I was younger. Make sure you get the handout and be on your way to becoming the artist you want to be.

In this video entitled: "Nude Paintings In Art Shows" insights as with regards to the controversies of submitting a nude painting in art shows and or galleries are discussed. This short video will convey ideas on the subject matter to which is applicable to most art shows and or galleries. Yes, this may be an issue for some shows and galleries but when it all comes down to it, one must just ask the right questions and be aware of the guidelines for each show and or gallery to know if these types of paintings are acceptable for submission.
