"Avengers" rule MTV Movie Awards, Anne Frank House defends Bieber

  • 11 years ago
The MTV Movie Awards were held over the weekend and "The Avengers" picked up three awards, including the top prize, movie of the year. Other highlights of the night included Bradley Cooper winning for best male performance for his role in "Silver Linings Playbook," Emma Watson taking home the Trailblazer Award, and Taylor Lautner - sporting a fake beer belly - won for best shirtless performance.

The Anne Frank House has come to the defense of Justin Bieber, who caused a social media uproar over the weekend after he wrote in its guest book that he hoped the young Holocaust victim would have been a "belieber." A spokesperson for the museum said that his comments were "innocent" and that the fact that he was interested in Anne Frank's life was the most important thing. Justin stopped by the Amsterdam museum while in the midst of his European tour.

Matt Damon and his wife Luciana Barroso renewed their wedding vows. Approximately 50 guests, which included Damon's pal Ben Aff