Why You Should Join Little Ticket to Wealth

  • 11 years ago
Why You Should Join Little Ticket to Wealth

QUESTION: Give me a reason as to WHY I should join Little Ticket To Wealth right now?
ANSWER: Ok, I'll do one better than that. I'll give you THREE solid reasons why you'd be foolish to pass up a program like LTTW.

Reason #1 - Little Ticket To Wealth is a NON COMPETITIVE program. Meaning, it fits hand-in-glove with just about other income opportunity type of program. It's the perfect COMPLIMENTARY opportunity because it gives you a 2nd chance to collect a YES from your prospect!

Reason #2 - With Little Ticket To Wealths Instant $50 - $200 Per Sale (after qualification) you don't even need a primary program. You can easily see 6-9 sales per week to start just by offering LTTW to the millions of starving Networkers who need access to quality leads, tools and the right training.

Think of it like this... They're gonna buy leads, tools and training from someone... may as well be from YOU!

Reason #3 - Your prospects will inevitably ask YOU how and where to get leads. You can easily refer them to Little Ticket To Wealth as a source for leads as well as a 2nd income stream OR if they join you in your primary program, you could give them a comped position in LTTW as a BONUS for joining with you. (Please note the monthly fee CAN NOT be comped!)

Buyer Leads
QUESTION: What exactly is a BUYER LEAD and why is it better than anything else?
ANSWER: A BUYER LEAD is exactly that... it's a person whose BOUGHT something related to the make money from home niche. This type of lead is a perfect match if you're promoting a make money from home opportunity as the lead has
already identified themselves as being a serious prospect for make money from home offers, as they've recently bought related products, such as ebooks, video courses, membership sites, software, etc... on the subject.

Think of it like this...

If you were selling a course on how to pick the best rental properties, wouldn't it make sense to get your offer in front of people who've recently picked up real estate magzines, bought the Carlton Sheets course, etc...??

Get your Leads today!