Leaked Star Wars: Battlefront 3 Gameplay Footage

  • 11 years ago
A Glimpse Of Battlefront III

LucasArts were working on three projects: Star Wars First Assault, Star Wars 1313, and a smaller project internally referred to as "Version Two".

Kotaku has obtained video footage of this "Version Two" project, which you can see above.

In the video, you can see all sorts of vehicle combat: the player, looking from a first-person perspective, zips around in X-Wings and AT-AT Walkers while shooting down TIE Fighters and other Star Wars-y vehicles. The art isn't final, but the combat looks very cool: one section, for example, shows multiple players riding on hoverbikes and shooting lasers at everything in their paths.

First Assault, as we reported a few weeks ago, didn't have any vehicles. Version Two did.

This is because, according to multiple sources, developers at LucasArts planned to turn Version Two into Star Wars: Battlefront III, the highly-anticipated third game in the Battlefront shooter series that has shuffled from developer to developer over the past few years. This time, LucasArts hoped to make it themselves.