
por valdemirenglish

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Who was who in the plot
Paul Marcinkus
Born in the United States, Paul Marcinkus, the gorilla (who had chaired the Banco Ambrosiano), reached the rank of third most important man in the Vatican, and for eighteen years (1971-1989), presided over the Vatican Bank, which was a partner -controller Ambrosiano. For topping their physical and truculent way, Marcinkus acted as bodyguard of Pope Paul VI and was accused of participating in the plot that led John Paul I to death.
The Ambrosiano scandal was such, that the Vatican worked with refuge that bastard who spoke on behalf of Christ not been arrested and convicted. To protect Marcinkus, the Vatican put his criminal network to act behind the scenes of Italian justice, who took investigate. To justify not punishing Marcinkus and other directors of Banco Ambrosiano, the Italian court invoked the Lateran Treaty, which transformed the Vatican State and provides, in one of his articles that "the central entities of the Catholic Church are exempt from any interference by the Italian State. " Marcinkus lived in the Vatican, in the shadow of the Lateran Treaty until returning to the United States, where he died in 2006.
Licio Gelli
Licio Gelli, head honcho of the Masonic Lodge P2, which is venerable master, and known criminal who acted in bins of power, was informant Gestapo during World War 2. Gelli part of Operation Gladio, a clandestine organization that functioned as central intelligence, whose purpose was to prevent the invasion of Italy by the Soviet Union. In many instances, the Gladio, which had its existence officially recognized by former Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti, wore low of strategies to destabilize the country's political system. What explains the logistical support given to the Turkish mafia, by Leonid Brezhnev, who was in Italy dozen moles.
Licio Gelli was accused of involvement in the deaths of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro, the journalist Mino Pecorelli, Roberto Calvi and John Paul I. About to turn 94 years old, meets Gelli house arrest in property that has in Tuscany.
Pecorelli The journalist was kidnapped and killed by "Brigate Rosse" (Red Brigades), Italian terrorist organization that Gelli had close relations because of Operation Gladio, which was the backdrop for the atrocities committed by Cesare Battisti, who told the criminal with the help of Lula in Brazil to continue unpunished.
The group "Red Brigades", which participated in the Gladio, was responsible for the bombing of a train in Bologna in 1980, leaving the station in town was the target of bomb inside a tunnel, killing dozens of people and leaving two hundred passengers injured .
In 2002, the Italian court sentenced Giulio Andreotti to 24 years in prison for the murder of journalist Mino Pecorelli.