Beyonce and Jay-Z cause a stir in Cuba

  • 11 years ago
Wherever they go, the cameras follow. But this time, it looks like Beyonce and Jay-Z 's anniversary celebration is turning into a political matter.

After the couple celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary in Cuba, two Republican Congress members have asked the U.S. Treasury Department for information on what type of license the high profile couple obtained for their trip.

The long-standing U.S. trade embargo against Cuba prevents most Americans from traveling to the island without a license granted by the U.S. government, although President Obama's administration has eased restrictions on travel for academic, religious or cultural exchanges.

In spite of the brouha, Cubans couldn't have been more excited to see music's first couple.

SOUNDBITE: Yournis Ari, food critic, saying (Spanish):

"Beyonce is one of the best singers in the world and I think it's fantastic that she is here in Cuba with us. It's something fabulous for all us Cubans."

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