What is Piracetam used for Damian Alexander, MD discusses What is Piracetam used for

Damian Alexander

by Damian Alexander


In this video I will discuss
What is Piracetam used for

Piracetam has two main uses:

1) To enhance intellectual performance, learning ability, memory,
Motor skills and other cognitive processes

2) For the treatment of neurological disorders
Let's discuss the enhancement aspects of Piracetam first
College students utilize Piracetam to enhance intellectual performance because
It can improve memory, concentration, information processing ability,
Spatial learning, motor mechanisms, creativity and general intelligence
Piracetam can even aid in muscle
or dexterity training
Piracetam improves the ability of brain cells to produce energy
Thus allowing users to undertake
sustained mental effort
Piracetam has been noted for its beneficial effect on Corpus Callosum function
The Corpus Callosum enables the communication between
The logical side of the brain(left) and the creative side of the brain(right)
Improving its function allows the user to draw on greater brain potential
Piracetam, and racetams in general, influence neuronal and vascular functions
Without acting as a sedative or stimulant
Let's now discuss the repair and treatment aspects of Piracetam
Piracetam can partially or completely reverse the toxic effects of a wide array of chemicals
It can significantly reduce lipofuscin levels in brain cells
Lipofuscin is a pigment that accumulates with age and
Is involved in the degeneration of cellular metabolism and brain function
Piracetam can restore acethylcholine receptor numbers to youthful levels and
Acethylcholine is involved in memory and learning processes
Piracetam increases energy production while reducing oxidative stress and
Also exerting general toxicological neuroprotection
This allows the brain to heal
This is why Piracetam is used for stroke, hypoxia, ischemia, electroshock
And other acute forms of brain damage
In cases of acute brain damage it is most beneficial if used as soon as possible
Piracetam is a general neuroprotector
This means it protects against a vast array of physical and chemical insults applied to the brain
By protecting against normal, day-to-day metabolic damage to nerve cells
Piracetam allows the brain to heal
This is why long-term administration of high doses of Piracetam can
Slow the progression of cognitive deterioration in patients with Alzheimer's
Parkinson's and other forms of neurological deterioration

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