SAMe Side Effects Damian Alexander, MD discusses S-Adenosyl Methionine Side Effects

  • 11 years ago

In this video I will discuss
SAMe Side Effects

The most severe side effect is gastrointestinal upset
If it occurs, reduce SAMe by half, then gradually increase again
If you have been taking your glutamine daily this is very unlikely to happen
Other reported side effects are:
Diarrhea, dyspepsia, anxiety,
restlessness, headaches,
Insomnia, allergy and rashes
Headaches are rare and usually
disappear in 1 to 14 days
If this happens, reduce the dosage,
then increase later
Insomnia effects are minimal and occur due to SAMe's energizing effects
Take in the morning to prevent this
I do not consider changes in emotions or mood to be side-effects
Unless they are out of proportion
A well-functioning brain is a happy brain
And SAMe is known to improve brain function;
This includes emotional wellbeing
If you are a relatively depressed person and you start feeling more chipper
I consider this to be an improvement in the functioning of your brain,
And not a side-effect
There is an exception to this
Individuals with bipolar disorder (who alternate between being manic and depressive)
Must NOT take SAMe
Because it increases manic tendencies
If suicidal tendencies exist
It is best practice to have a physician monitor SAMe usage and effects
That being said, SAMe is comparably free of side effects
Compared to conventional depression medication
It does NOT cause:
Weight gain, panic attacks or severe gastrointestinal distress
There are NO cases of death or overdosing with SAMe,
But you should never exceed 1600mg/day
In summary,
SAMe is a building block of extreme importance to the human body
As much as 8 grams per day can be made in ideal conditions
SAMe has the potential to REVERSE many degenerative diseases
Because it is involved in key metabolic pathways
SAMe is extremely important to the health of the liver,
The brain and the joints and cartilages
It's benefits to the liver alone would be sufficient reason to justify its daily use
SAMe is a highly effective antiaging therapeutic agent
With mood enhancing and energy raising benefits
It can be used to prevent and treat painful
And debilitating diseases of both the mind and the body
It has very few side-effects,
is convenient to use
And suitable for long term use
I recommend 200mg/day immediately after waking for health,
Energy and deficiency insurance

In this video we have discussed
SAMe Side Effects