Filipino Catholics hold vigil for papal conclave

  • 11 years ago

STORY: Hundreds of Catholics in Manila held a prayer vigil on Tuesday for the Vatican conclave that will elect the new pope.

The mass was organized by youth groups through social media.

The groups said they wanted to show their support for the conclave.

"We are praying that the Holy Spirit will guide the Cardinals, so they will make the right decision on who will be the next Holy Father. Whether he is a Filipino or not, we will love the Pope," a Salesian brother, Mr. Juvela, said.

While there are no official candidates, several names are frequently mentioned in Rome as "papabile," or eligible for pope, including the Philippines cardinal.

Luis Tagle has a charisma often compared to that of the late Pope John Paul. He is also close to Pope Benedict after working with him at the International Theological Commission. While he has many fans, the 55-year-old only became a cardinal in 2012 and conclaves are wary of young ca
