Banners Broker Presentation From David Hooker |

  • 11 years ago Banners Broker Presentation From David Hooker
Banners Broker

Banners Broker is an online advertising company, founded in October 2010 by Chris Smith and Kuldip Josun (Kuldip left the company in 2012) offers affiliates the opportunity to advertise their business online while simultaneously earning publishing revenue.

This company has seen and looked through a window in time and found an undiscovered niche regarding the future of how we would use the internet. Knowing, that people like me who were not skilled in this area, has no idea of what to do to optimise their best use of the internet and have no website of their own, so they do all the work! I hope you read that right, Banners Broker do all the work for you.

You can reach me at the email above and at my blogsite if you got any question just messag me. Or visit my blog site question and answer.
