Spencer and Maddy 5674 & 5675

  • hace 11 años
Maddy and Spencer find Romeo. Maddy and Spencer say to Roo and Harvey that they returned after Maddy went to the hospital when she fell ill. Nevertheless, they are blurry on the details. Maddy decides that maybe she and Spencer can trust in Roo- they are both fed up of the lie. They reveal that they are not the brother and the sister, before sharing a kiss... Meanwhile, Roo and Harvey they are apprehensive on Maddy and Spencer's return, not want to scare them in the escape again. They offer Spencer's work in the shop of fodder, and he happily gently accepted. Maddy admits to Roo that she did not go to the hospital - they were running and they decided to return. Roo and Harvey at the time they find Maddy's picture in a list of missing persons. Harvey is determined to call the police, but Roo convince it to wait until they go to Maddy and Spencer. The couple reveals that they are not the brother and the sister - they are the fugitives who wanted to be united.

