the overthrow of Sodom & Gomorrah

  • 11 years ago
The remains of Sodom and Gomorrah confirm the Bible's testimony of the cities being 'overthrown' by God...

The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah have been discovered in the area the Bible locates them; along the eastern border of the ancient Canaanites (which later became Israel), by the Dead Sea. The structures found at the site are compressed ashes, still bearing the shapes of man-made architecture. Throughout this area flammable brimstone (condensed sulfur) has been found in abundance, unlike any naturally occurring sulfur found on earth. Immediately east of the remains of Sodom stands the eerie salt-mountain, Mount Sodom (Har S'dom in Hebrew) which has numerous pillars of salt resembling the form of humans. The discovery of Sodom and Gomorrah confirm the accuracy of the Bible's record of their destruction by fire & brimstone. According to Jesus, these cities foreshadow the coming judgment which will accompany His appearing. Seeing that none of us are without guilt, we ought to heed the warning and sincerely approach God for forgiveness before our time comes...
