How to Pronounce 'REFRIGERATOR' - 60sec Quick Fix with (Heather Hansen)

  • 11 years ago
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Hi I'm Heather Hansen, Clear Speech Specialist at English Pronunciation Lab and this is your Pronunciation Quick Fix. Today's word is REFRIGERATOR.

Today's word, refrigerator, is a special request from Bollette Joergensen in Denmark, and let me tell you, Bollette, you are definitely not the first person to ask me about this word.

I think people just get intimidated by this word because it's so long. Let's take a closer look at 'refrigerator'.

5 syllables
Word stress on the second syllable 'frij'
Notice that there is secondary stress on the second-to-last syllable 'rey'

Let's use this word in a few sentences:
Do we have any milk in the reFRIGeRAtor?
We just bought a new reFRIGeRAtor.
What do you think of this reFRIGeRAtor?

If you're really having trouble with 'refrigerator' don't be afraid to shorten it to 'fridge'. Just about everyone will understand you if you say that.

So there you have it! Refrigerator in under 60 seconds!

If you'd like to learn more about clear speech and pronunciation, please visit me at and sign up for my free, 8-part pronunciation short course.

I'll see you there!
