• 12 years ago
Today we are about to show you a fun and simple experiment that can be performed easily even by kids.
Do you think getting an egg in a bottle is impossible ?
Well take a look at this and you'll see it's very easy !
To perform this experiment all you need is
a bottle
a hard boiled egg
a match
a tissue paper

First, peel the egg. Then light the tissue paper with a match and drop in the bottle. Immediately place the egg on the bottleneck. Shazam ! The egg is sucked into the bottle.
So ? What's the trick ? Well, it's very simple.
The burning tissue paper heats the air in the bottle and therefore increases the air pressure inside. When the flamme goes out, the temperature falls and the air pressure in the bottle decreases.
The outside pressure is then much higher than the inside pressure.
The air outside tries to get into the bottle and pushes the egg that is blocking the bottleneck.
And the egg is sucked in !

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