Rumbelle - Histoire Éternelle

  • il y a 11 ans
My first music video... the program didn't let me previous the cuts so some of them aren't ideal... but I'm still pretty happy.

Beauty and the Beast (Belle and Rumple) from Once Upon a Time to the tune of "Histoire Éternelle" (French version of "Tale as old as Time" because that's the one I grew up with)

Translation of the French lyrics, since they're not the same as the English ones:

Eternal story
That you never believe
Of two strangers
That an unexpected gesture
Draws secretly closer

And suddenly lands
On their celebrating hearts
A pink butterfly
Just a little something
A gift of a flower

Nothing looks the same
Everything is different
But how do you know,
Once the fear is gone,
That you made a mistake?

Eternal song
With an old chorus
It true, it's weird
To see how we change
Without thinking about it

Just like the stars
Turn off unnoticed
The eternal story
Touches with its wing
Beauty and the Beast

The eternal story
Touches with its wing
Beauty and the Beast
