• 12 years ago
Get your dance and praise on to this uptempo Gospel Contemporary House Song with inspirational spoken word lyrics! This is perfect for church functions, parties, family fun and DJ's will rock the club with it!
I Got Jesus by Kamal Emanuel
A long long long long time ago
Somebody told me to seek him until I find him you know
But I was running the streets
I mean, I was just too cool
Following the crowd
And you know what they say
God protects fools
And I went through many different fads, cultures and religions
Till he brought me to the crossroads and I had to make a final decision
And the funny thing about it, is that I went full circle
To finally get right back to him To get back to my origin
And then, I found a preacher and some saints who gave me back that old time religion! Can I get a AMEN?

Now I strive to walk with him
And get it like the bible says
Every day my eyes are opening
As he puts wisdom in my head
More love in my heart
More sense of responsibility for our community
Through trials and tribulations
I keep the faith and carry him with me
Through communication, study, contemplation and praise
Cause regardless to name, land or language
He is the ancient of days!
©2013 ToatsKamalEmanuel

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