Parní lokomotiva 4468 Mallard, která jezdila na trase z Londýna do Edinburgu, si to dne 3.7.1938 svištěla rychlostí 202,58 km/h. Rekord byl zaznamenán v mírném svažitém kopci u města Grantham v hrabství Lincolnshire. Spotřeba uhlí byla zhruba 220 kilo na 100 kilometrů. Video je z roku 1963, kdy slavná lokomotiva "odcházela do důchodu" a byla na rozlučkovém turné po Anglii.
Mallard is the holder of the world speed record for steam locomotives at 125.88 mph (202.58 km/h). The record was achieved on 3 July 1938 on the slight downward grade of Stoke Bank south of Grantham on the East Coast Main Line, and the highest speed was recorded at milepost 90¼, between Little Bytham and Essendine. It broke the German (DRG Class 05) 002's 1936 record of 124.5 mph (200.4 km/h).
Mallard was the perfect vehicle for such an endeavour. The A4 class was designed for sustained 100+ mph (160+ km/h) running and Mallard was one of a few of the class that were built with a double chimney and double Kylchap blastpipe, which made for improved draughting and better exhaust flow at speed. (The remainder of the class were retro-fitted in the late 1950s). The A4's three-cylinder design made for stability at speed, and the large 6 ft 8 in (2.03 m) driving wheels meant that the maximum revolutions per minute was within the capabilities of the technology of the day. Mallard was five months old, meaning that it was sufficiently broken-in to run freely, but not overly worn. Selected to crew the locomotive on its record attempt were driver Joseph Duddington (a man renowned within the LNER for taking calculated risks) and fireman Thomas Bray.[2]
The locomotive had previously had problems with the big end bearing for the middle cylinder, so the big end was fitted with a "stink bomb" of aniseed oil which would be released if the bearing overheated. Shortly after attaining the record speed, the middle big end did overheat and Mallard had to limp onwards to Peterborough. It then travelled to Doncaster for repair. This had been foreseen by the publicity department, who had many pictures taken for the press, in case Mallard did not make it back to Kings Cross. The (Edwardian period) Ivatt Atlantic that replaced Mallard at Peterborough was only just in sight when the head of publicity started handing out the pictures.
Mallard builder's plate with works' number 1870. ...
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železnica železnice zeleznica zeleznice vysokorýchlostný vysokorychlostní High-Speed High Speed parní parný Steam vlak vlaky Train Trains Railway Railroad rušeň rušne lokomotiva železničná železniční doprava stanica trať podval podvaly pražec pražce posun
tovar nákladný nákladné nákladní Freight
železničné priecestie priecestia železniční přejezd rampy závory
Mallard is the holder of the world speed record for steam locomotives at 125.88 mph (202.58 km/h). The record was achieved on 3 July 1938 on the slight downward grade of Stoke Bank south of Grantham on the East Coast Main Line, and the highest speed was recorded at milepost 90¼, between Little Bytham and Essendine. It broke the German (DRG Class 05) 002's 1936 record of 124.5 mph (200.4 km/h).
Mallard was the perfect vehicle for such an endeavour. The A4 class was designed for sustained 100+ mph (160+ km/h) running and Mallard was one of a few of the class that were built with a double chimney and double Kylchap blastpipe, which made for improved draughting and better exhaust flow at speed. (The remainder of the class were retro-fitted in the late 1950s). The A4's three-cylinder design made for stability at speed, and the large 6 ft 8 in (2.03 m) driving wheels meant that the maximum revolutions per minute was within the capabilities of the technology of the day. Mallard was five months old, meaning that it was sufficiently broken-in to run freely, but not overly worn. Selected to crew the locomotive on its record attempt were driver Joseph Duddington (a man renowned within the LNER for taking calculated risks) and fireman Thomas Bray.[2]
The locomotive had previously had problems with the big end bearing for the middle cylinder, so the big end was fitted with a "stink bomb" of aniseed oil which would be released if the bearing overheated. Shortly after attaining the record speed, the middle big end did overheat and Mallard had to limp onwards to Peterborough. It then travelled to Doncaster for repair. This had been foreseen by the publicity department, who had many pictures taken for the press, in case Mallard did not make it back to Kings Cross. The (Edwardian period) Ivatt Atlantic that replaced Mallard at Peterborough was only just in sight when the head of publicity started handing out the pictures.
Mallard builder's plate with works' number 1870. ...
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železnica železnice zeleznica zeleznice vysokorýchlostný vysokorychlostní High-Speed High Speed parní parný Steam vlak vlaky Train Trains Railway Railroad rušeň rušne lokomotiva železničná železniční doprava stanica trať podval podvaly pražec pražce posun
tovar nákladný nákladné nákladní Freight
železničné priecestie priecestia železniční přejezd rampy závory