• 12 years ago
Lena Fayre, sixteen-year-old singer-songwriter from Los Angeles, has just released a music video for her highly acclaimed debut single, “Belong To You.” Rendered in stunning black and white, it plays more like a short film than a typical music video, telling the heart-rending story of a young couple torn apart as victims of bad choices. Scenes of amorous carousing spliced between romantic visions of a date, work as foils to remarkably gorgeous shots of doom: windows exploding, curtains whipping in the wind; silhouettes of both lovers rolling slowly in their car as shattered glass arcs inward like angular drops of water. The video closes on a dramatic plot twist with the sounds of sirens in the air.

Directed by award-winning 23-year-old director from Cal. State Univ. Long Beach, Leah McKissock, and produced by Adam Blake Carver, the video is a work of awe-inspiring beauty and grief, exactly parallel to Fayre's song, itself. McKissock's direction is somehow delicate and sledgehammer-blunt at once. Each of her subjects are as plain to the eye as a still-life painting, yet with a subtlety that lets deep undercurrents of impending woe climb under the skin, where they build and push like dammed water until the deeply tragic closing scene unfolds

Lensed by cinematographer Polly Morgan, named the “rising star” of AFI’s competitive program and former assistant to world-renowned DP Wally Phister (The Dark Knight and Inception), Morgan modernizes every black and white frame with subtle film noir references and carefully placed pools of light. Her work is raw, yet delicately polished, making “Belong To You” a true work of art.

Fayre's single, “Belong To You,” is sure to send ripples of excitement throughout the pop music subculture and to have an early peek at such a marvelous music video is a rare treat for music fans.

