• 12 years ago

This is a really, really GREAT show with Yes completely on top of their game with a very enthusiastic crowd. And the video plays better on TV than on the Youtube clips so don't underestimate this show because even though it was filmed from the audience it was done so by someone obviously experienced - and it's a GREAT show. There are no other recordings that show this much of a Going For The One Tour show in existence.

If you are a collector or simply LOVE Yes and are looking for anything else Yes that's not available in stores I HIGHLY recommend this DVD set

DVD 1 - Going For The One Sessions:
Mountain Studios in Montreux, Switzerland 1976:
- Irritating audio dropouts repaired here as well. Now for the very first time you can enjoy this wonderful "Making Of" documentary with no audio interruptions.
1 - Jam Session
2 - Awaken/Steve jam/Rick follies
3 - Awaken #2
4 - Turn of the Century
5 - Guitar tech rehearsing Awaken
6 - Tour Meeting
7 - Parallels various takes
8 - Positively 4th St/Knockin On Heaven's Door/Bye, Bye Love - Steve/Chris
9 - Going For The One #1
10 - Vevey - Jon/Rick
11 - Alan/Chris jam session
12 - Steve Howe jam session
13 - Masquerade Improv
14 - Wonderous Stories
15 - Going For The One #2
16 - Awaken #3
17 - Parallels instrumental final take

DVD 2:
Live in Glasgow, Scotland, November 8, 1977 Going For The One Tour:
audio dropouts repaired!
1 - Firebird Suite
2 - Parallels
3 - I've Seen All Good People
4 - Close To The Edge
5 - Wonderous Stories
6 - Colours Of The Rainbow
7 - Turn Of The Century
8 - Tour Song (It's Good To Be In Scotland)
9 - And You And I
10 - Rick's Trick
11 - Going For The One
12 - Flight Jam
13 - Awaken (cut off at end)
