Embrace Your Dreams Turkey Video

  • 11 years ago
Traditional Turkish Baths
Turkish Baths
Turkish baths are one of the most important elements of Turkish culture. There is an incredible environment, architecture, service and everything of absolutely necessary to see. When you come to Turkey, please do not forget to go to a hammam.

Turkish baths that was built with the purpose of the water use for health is not only a cleaning place for Turks. Today, hammams are still health and entertainment centers where people having social activities in Turkey.

When you travel to Turkey, you should experience a Turkish bath. Every Turkish town still has at least one hamam, and cities have many. Most are simple, functional, and inexpensive, but the historic hamams, especially those built by the sultans to serve their imperial mosques, are beautiful works of Ottoman architecture made of fine marble with rich decoration.

Best Hammams in Istanbul
A selection of recommended and historical Turkish hammams in Istanbul:
Cemberlitas Hammam, Istanbul
Suleymaniye Hammam, Istanbul
Cagaloglu Hammam, Istanbul
Galatasaray Hammam, Istanbul
Buyuk Hammam, Istanbul
Cinili Hammam, Istanbul
Aga Hammam, Istanbul
Gedikpasa Hammam, Istanbul
Ayasofya Hurrem Sultan Hammam, Istanbul
Kilic Ali Pasa Hammam, Istanbul
Cardakli Hammam, Istanbul
Sofular Hammam, Istanbul
Eski Hammam, Istanbul
Experience Turkish Hammams
Turkish hammams are considered to be one of the classical bathing traditions that still remain popular. Hammam is a product of a Turkish culture that expanded beyond the borders of religion, hygiene or health treatment. For further information you can visit our website: www.allistanbultours.com
