At least 25 dead in Mexico City blast

  • 11 years ago

The death toll continues to rise in Mexico City after a blast at the headquarters of state-owned oil company Pemex on Thursday afternoon. At least 25 are now confirmed dead.

Frightened employees spilled into the street after the blast as emergency workers rushed to help the wounded.

The windows of the lower floors of the building were blown out- flying debris was to blame for many of the some 100 or so injuries.

As search and rescue efforts carried on into the night, Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto visited the scene.


"(Journalist: What happened?) I don't have a conclusive report for what happened and so I insist we not succumb to speculation. Let's wait until we know the results of all the investigations to be carried out. I repeat, I have directed the Interior Ministry to lead this coordination, that they (authorities) don't rest, that they don't interrupt relief efforts and support. Beyond giving any technical suggestions, they should be in places where there is debris and all the support staff should be deployed to rescue those who could be under the rubble."

The cause of the incident is not yet known.