Orthoflex Live Call Salam Pakistan Waqt News

  • 11 years ago
Arthritis Pain Relief & Treatment

We are happy to introduce joint pain, a resource for osteoarthritis, rheumatold arthritis and gout sufferers, as well as those with similar chronic pain conditions. Millions of people suffer the painful symptoms of arthritis and related diseases, which include inflammation, swelling, redness, pain and stiffness. Although there are literally hundreds of different kinds of arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatold arthritis and gout are the three most common. As far as treatments are concemed, until recently the most popular have been the NSAIDS, or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, such as Vioxx, Celebrex and Bextra. Unfortunately these prescription medications come with potentially painful side effects. One such medication, vioxx,was recalled due to increased risk of stroke and heart attack in patients who were taking this drug for an extended period of time. Bextra was also pulled from shelves and celebrex is currently under fire.
