Chinese billionaire sells canned air in polluted Beijing

  • 11 years ago
An eccentric Chinese multimillionaire's latest venture-- selling what smoggy Beijing dearly needs after the past two weeks -- fresh air.

On Wednesday Chen Guangbiao and his colleagues took to the streets to give away hundreds of cans of fresh air-- purportedly collected from far-flung and pristine regions of China.

Though it may not be the cure for Beijing's ongoing air pollution problem, Chen hopes the stunt will send a message.


"I'm selling this clean air to remind everyone to protect our environment. Selling this air, I am using an exaggerated method, a principle, to tell everyone that if we don't start protecting the air in our environment, in ten years our descendants will all be wearing gas masks."

Beijing's air quality often registers far into the unhealthy zone, but this month has shocked citizens with the worst ever recorded smog.

Chen started his campaign last September.

Footage provided by his office shows a truck which sold his cans as it made its way across the country.

Footage provided by him shows people holding the cans performing a slow dance and scooping the air inside.

Proceeds from selling the cans for five yuan each will be donated to charity.
