Italian Lessons 101

  • 11 years ago
Welcome to Video 1 of Series 2: Greetings/Saluti

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Please visit Joseph's other channel

Oops... I made a mistake in spelling. Arrivederci, not arrivaderci. Sorry about that.
We are starting over from the beginning with our videos. We had a lot of fun with the first series, but we decided to start from the beginning with a new series. This series is for those wanting to learn some basic Italian and some California style English.

Remember, there are many, many different ways to say the same thing. If I have chosen a way that you do not use, that doesn't mean it is wrong.

In series 2, we'll take things slower. Also, our goal is to have a new video every Friday.

We are going to leave up our old videos. They still are valuable, and they are fun too look at.

Thank you to all those that watch.

The music was played by our son.


