Babel Book Test (3 Books) by Vincent Hedan - Magic Trick

  • 11 years ago
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Years in the making Babel is packed full with features allowing you to present miraculous book test effects. Each of the special books in Babel has been carefully designed with one simple goal to create super direct super strong mentalism.
You dont touch anything you dont even look and yet you can read the spectators mind and reveal his thoughts in an impossible way.
Multiple divinations prediction memory feats all of these and more are described in the detailed manual along with Vincent Hedans tips and ideas to perform these impressive effects.
Comes complete with 50 page instruction manual and 3 special books.
Babel book test by Vincent Hedan is another in a long line of amazing magic effects from one of my all time favourite performers of miracles.
- Shawn Farquhar - FISM winner
TheBabel book test has all the right moves. Its easy to do. Its awesome. You will use it.
- Dan Garrett
The most versatile book test Ive seen. Im awestruck at the power of Babel.
- Raj Madhok - member of the Psychic Entertainers Association
Vincent Rainman Hedan has some powerful magic the world should see and know about.
- Obie OBrien - founder amp president of FFFF
After The Mother of All Book Tests here is the Father and all the family in one devilish book Babelwill allow you to perform one of the cleanest book tests ever. Vincent has worked many years on this project and the result speaks for itself. All the details have been carefully thought of so you can multiply the revelations every time in a more impossible way. It is top-class mentalism that will blow your audience away.
- Boris Wild - FISM winner