Schwarzenegger brings "The Last Stand" to Germany

  • 11 years ago
Arnold Schwarzenegger took his new film "The Last Stand" to Germany on Monday (January 21), his first leading role after a seven-year hiatus from moviemaking.

The former bodybuilder, who plays a retired Los Angeles policeman in the film looked every inch the physical action hero which he's famous for, despite his advancing years.

But on the day of U.S. President Barack Obama's public inauguration ceremony, California's former governor didn't escape a few political questions.

Earlier in the day he told journalists at a news conference why he believes Republicans and Democrats should unite behind their president.

SOUNDBITE: Arnold Schwarzenegger, actor, saying (English):

"I think it is absolutely imperative that the politicians do the peoples' work and not the party's work. Because if they do the party's work they can't get anything done. They are public servants and not party servants and they sometimes forget that."

While he might have swapped the political stage for the silver screen once more, Austrian born Schwarzenegger isn't just using up his energy levels in the gym.

He will star in some three films over the next 12 months.

But it's a life far removed from his glorious action hero past. An older, possibly wiser Schwarzenegger isn't afraid to reference his advancing age in his roles these days.

There's the "Expandables" movies for instance or the upcoming "The Tomb" which also stars Silvester Stallone.
