The Process of Helping Car Accident Victims

  • 11 years ago
Wade Coye from the Coye Law Firm speaks about how he can help car accident victims, not just with their case, but with: acquiring rental vehicles, insurance coverage, Medicaid, Medicare, negligence actions, and medical care.

I'm Wade Coye of the Coye Law Firm. Sometimes we get people calling our office that have problems from car accidents. These car accidents lead to a number of different problems. When most people call our office it's usually been because it's been a catastrophic accident and it's a family member or friend that's calling and that's a situation where we may need to immediately send someone to a hospital or to their home because the person is very incapacitated. And we may want to immediately send out an investigator to get scene photos, crash measurements, and so on. The other types of call is sometimes when people have had some type of an accident, they may have suffered, what appears to be initially to be a fairly minor injury and initially some of their concerns are that they need to be able to have a vehicle to drive to be able to get to work to get the doctors appointments and so on. So one of the things we'll do is talk with people about different things that they can do to get a vehicle to be able to drive to and from work and so on, a rental vehicle. One of the things that we do when people first come in for an initial appointment is we're trying to understand what is the available insurance coverage. We want to know what personal injury protection coverage is available, like no-fault coverage on their policy or a family members policy. We also may want to understand what the bodily injury coverage is from the at-fault driver. We may want to know if there's uninsured motorist coverage. We also may want to look and see is there was a person was on the job during the accident and did the employer have coverage. We're really trying to get our hands on all the available insurance coverage. Lots of times we even look to see, and want to know, is there some form of health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid. Is there some type of insurance that a third party pay or whether perhaps some other type of coverage. The reason that becomes important is, while a defendant that causes injury to a person in a car accident or even any other type of a negligence action, somebody else may be responsible ultimately to pay those amounts. In the interim the difficulty is in getting medical care. Oftentimes people find that if they don't have some form of health insurance they can't even get in to the doctor's office or the diagnostic center to have MRI's, X-Rays, cat scans, that sort of thing, much less surgeries admissions, surgical centers, and hospitals. So initially you really need to have a handle on what is the available insurance coverage that a person may have that may allow them to get the kinds of medical care that would be helpful to get them well.

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