NASA Space Station Facilities Available for Sale or Lease

  • 12 years ago
NASA facilities are available for rent or sale.

Need a piece of land from where you can run your space program?

Well, NASA officials would like to rent or lease its former space shuttle facilities.

NASA’s shuttle program will soon officially be a thing of the past once the cleanup is completed at Kennedy Space Center. The last shuttle flight occurred in 2011.

This has prompted NASA to list the soon-to-be former space center’s spaces and equipment for rent or lease. The Launchpad where shuttles took off from will be available along with the Orbiter Processing Facilities, where the shuttles were previously maintained.

A NASA official states “the facilities out here can't be in an abandoned state for long before they become unusable. So we're in a big push over the next few months to either have agreements for these facilities or not.”

Last year, space lovers had the opportunity to purchase a NASA inspired vehicle, which was placed on eBay. The Space Shuttle, mobile café is located in a converted DC3 airplane painted to look like a NASA space shuttle.
