Uncle Moosa, an inspiring Indian who has brought reading revolution in the lives of many children by instilling 13 libraries in the remote villages of Arunachal Pradesh.
Amazing Indians features hand-picked stories of extraordinary accomplishments of exceptional Indians on the show. In this show we find extraordinary tales of compassion, dedication, selfless service, pioneers, educators, and ambitions that are not for the Self, but for the Nation. These are real icons of the country.
Catch it on TIMES NOW on
Saturday : 3.30 PM & 10.30 PM
Sunday : 10.30 AM & 5.30 PM
Amazing Indians features hand-picked stories of extraordinary accomplishments of exceptional Indians on the show. In this show we find extraordinary tales of compassion, dedication, selfless service, pioneers, educators, and ambitions that are not for the Self, but for the Nation. These are real icons of the country.
Catch it on TIMES NOW on
Saturday : 3.30 PM & 10.30 PM
Sunday : 10.30 AM & 5.30 PM