U.S. petition demands deportation of Piers Morgan

  • 12 years ago
Outspoken CNN anchor Piers Morgan is the target of pro-gun activists who demand his deportation.

Morgan, who is a British citizen, has been an outspoken advocate for tighter gun control laws in the United States in the wake of the Newtown shooting.

Over 70,000 people signed an on-line petition posted to the White House website calling for his deportation.

The petition claims that Morgan has attacked the Second Amendment, which protects an individual's right to bear arms, by exploiting his position as a national TV host.

The petition has far exceeded the 25,000 signatures required for the White House to consider making an official response.

Though Morgan doesn't seem to be too worried.

In a recent tweet he said that he doesn't care about the petition but that he is more concerned about the murder and injuries of New York firefighters by an assault weapon.